30 March 2007

Cypress Hill

No streets, only wooden walkways between houses build on stilts. Everything made of cypress wood. A road came here only two years ago. Caleta Tortel is emerging from isolation in the hart of Patagonia. Still if you want world to forget about you move here.

Big fish

Do you want to see the bigest salmon in the world? - he asked. Sure - I smiled. And there they were. And he caught a small one to give it a hug.

Carretera austral

This must be the nicest road of all. This loose gravel road goes for thousend kilometers where no other roads go. Steep mountains, forests, lakes, and rivers. Place to test your and your car's offroad and survival abilities. This is Patagonia. Crusing and enjoying. This is great.


Valley of Explorers. This is a proper name for this place. Glaciers everywhere, waterfalls, rivers, and lakes. Next season I am taking a see kayak here to go down the river and then paddle to great glacier at Laguna San Rafael. Nobody did it so far. Nobody even comes here.

I want chiken, pleeeeeease!

They eat nothing but seafood here. My belly already hates this rainy island of Chiloe. Brothers and sisters, let's prey for chicken for dinner tonight.


I spent last weekend in Japan. Not really. But Fuji has his brother in Chile. Perfect cone. And for climbers - dangerous, very dangerous.

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